Alternative Clinicians

Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)

Advanced Clinical Practitioners have completed extra training and have academic qualification to treat a wide range of issues you would traditionally see a GP for – they are able to clinically asses / diagnose / refer / prescribe and treat patients for wide range of conditions.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner can prescribe medication and issue sicknotes where appropriate, they are highly trained clinical professionals that can undertake complex reviews of patients similar to a GP.


Paramedic Practitioner (ECP)

Although a Paramedic is traditionally seen as an urgent care service, a Paramedic Practitioner works in Practice and can see a wide range of patients with minor illness which cannot be dealt with by a Pharmacy and gives GPs more time to focus on patients with complex medical needs.

A Paramedic Practitioner can see / asses / diagnose / refer / prescribe and treat patients with support and advice where needed.


Physician Associate (PA)

A Physicians associate focuses on General Practice rather than a speciality, they can see / assess / examine/ diagnose / recommend treatment and refer patients as a GP would.

Physicians Associates can advise on medication, if a prescription is needed this would be discussed and prescribed by a Senior GP.

Physician Associates are highly trained clinical professionals that can undertake complex reviews of patients similar to a GP.