Teen Zone
Information for Teenagers
This page is dedicated for the young people. It is here to provide you information on what services are available to you by the GP Surgery.
We are here to help for all your problems including medical, physical and psychological.

Do you know you can be seen on your own even if you are under 16?
From the age of 14, you can see a doctor without the presence of a parent or guardian. We are happy to just see you alone or bring a friend or a family member – YOU CAN CHOOSE!!!
All staff at this practice are discreet about your presence here and respect your privacy. We are here to listen to you without telling anyone about the issues you raise unless we are concerned for your safety and the safety of others. We will always discuss this with you first before disclosing the information to other relevant agencies. This is CONFIDENTIALITY. We will not say anything to anyone including your family, teachers, care workers without your permission. SHHhhhh….. SECRET…
Making an Appointment at your GP Surgery
Ring us at 01246 244040.
Opening hours: please see the opening hours page.
Contraception and Sexual Health
If you need emergency contraception, then please do not be embarrassed. Please click here for information on emergency contraception and where to get it.
The sooner you get it, the more effective it is for protecting against pregnancy.
If you are worried about Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)/Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) then you can either see the doctor or the nurses.
Please look at the following website for more information.
- NHS https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis/
- https://www.yoursexualhealthmatters.org.uk/stis-and-hiv/testing-and-treatment-of-stis
If you do not want to see a member of our team, the following are other agencies who can help.
If you wish to start on a contraception, please make an appointment with the doctor or the nurses, even if you are under 16.
Stress and Mental Health
It is alright to feel stressed and it is common. Perhaps you are being bullied or abused, struggling at school/work or having issues with your family. You may feel life is out of control.
We are here to help.
Call and ask to speak to one of our doctors or make an appointment.
We have some recommended resources here:mental health resources for young people
You can also consider looking at the following website for more information:
- http://www.mentalhealthsupport.co.uk/ypstress.html
- https://www.buildsoundminds.org.uk/
- https://www.safespeak.org.uk/
We would like to see you if you are feeling low, anxious or having thoughts of self-harm. Please make an appointment with us.
There is also a lot of information online. Please click here for the list of useful websites.
Self-help book list for young people covering mental health issues
Alternatively, you can consider asking your GP for a referral to ‘Build Sound Minds Derby and Derbyshire’.
Eating Disorder
Please talk to us if you are having a problem with eating, especially if you have been losing weight.
Or you could consult online via the website if you prefer. Have a look at https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk for information and advice regarding eating disorder.
https://www.firststepsed.co.uk. First Step is the support offered within this area and you can self refer for help.
Remember, we are here to help, we don’t judge. We will listen to you and work out the best way to try and help you.
School and Nurse Councillor
Other than your GP surgery, the school nurse or school counsellor can also be another option.
They will be able to offer advice and support around
- healthy lifestyle choices
- sexual health and relationships
- emotional and mental health well-being
- problems with eating
Digital Counselling Services for Teens
Qwell is a FREE online Mental Health and Wellbeing service commissioned by NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG for parents and carers of young people under the age of 18 that requires no formal referral, instead only requiring the user to set up an account on the website. Available 365 days of the year via mobile, tablet and desktop devices from 12 noon to 10pm Monday-Friday and 6pm-10pm at weekends, the service provides access to accredited counselling support, peer support via online forums and relevant articles detailing a variety of topics. To sign up, please visit www.qwell.io/
Kooth is a FREE online Mental Health and Wellbeing service commissioned by Derby and Derbyshire CCG for children and young people in Derby and Derbyshire that requires no formal referral, instead only requiring the user to set up an account on the website. Available 365 days of the year via mobile, tablet and desktop devices from 12 noon to 10pm Monday-Friday and 6pm-10pm at weekends, the service provides access to accredited counselling support, peer support via online forums and relevant articles detailing a variety of topics. To sign up, please visit www.kooth.com/